Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Still Stylish

We've been neck deep in the holiday season recently but I'm feeling all tinseled out. So this week we went for a video that we really liked but that doesn't scream christmas and holidays
We're talking about.... 
Still You- Eunhyuk and Donghae
The super junior subunit released their new single on December 16th 2013, and as of Dec 24th (!) had 1,259,433 views. 

Styling You-
Rachael: A little christmas surprise from SM, we got a new Eunhae song! It’s super super different that what we usually see from them, but really cool actually. So the video is comprised, fashionwise, of three outfits and the extras clothing. Most of it was really well done, especially keeping in mind that this is set in London, which has a very different aesthetic to Super Junior’s normal kpoppin’ appearance. Aside from one of the outfit sets, the whole things is super refined, very classy and really on trend. The sequin leopard print shirt was… interesting but the video on the whole was really appealing.
You get three guesses as to where we are...
I'm pretty. Get over it.
Em: There was a deliberate simplicity throughout most of the video. Jewelry consisted of masculine rings or a watch, and there weren’t any outfits where two elements were competing to be the loudest...either there was one standout piece, or everything was fairly neutral. I liked the closeups on things like Donghae’s shoes, it really helped showcase the elements they did include and helped characterize the singers.

Badass shoes right here folks

Simple and clean, but super elegant

So this subgroup of ginormous boy band Super Junior is fashionwise at least, definitely one to watch out for. This video is super different for them. Looking back, they’ve released one korean single and one japanese single. The Japanese song, I Wanna Dance was largely street clothes, but they were still super kpopped out, with neon animal prints, ripped up pants and fake glasses. However, the lasting impression of their first single will never leave me. Oppa Oppa, the perennial super show opener is completely stunning. I mean, single color satin suits HOW CAN YOU COMPETE WITH THAT. At any rate, their image really took a turn in this video towards something more sophisticated. Maybe it was out of respect for Donghae’s music and lyrics or maybe it was to fit in with the London setting, but it really worked for them. It’s a new and sophisticated version of this duo. But don’t worry, if the plaid jacket doesn’t remind you of their kpop roots, then just go watch Oppa Oppa and bask in the glory.

Oppa Oppa, don't act like you don't know. 
Donghae in I Wanna Dance
Eunhyuk wants to dance too.

Ugh. What ARE these two doing. They go all the way to London and wear what, leather jackets? Pea coats? Please. I constructed this FANTASTIC coat made from dead pigeons! I found fabric printed with double decker busses for pants! I have a collar in the shape of the London Eye! WHY HAVE YOU IGNORED MY WISHES. God you people are boring. I told the makeup artists to paint their whole faces like British flags and they IGNORED ME. Boring. So boring. The company flew everyone to London and then didn’t even take advantage of it.
Gaddam Peacoats.


#twopeacoatsinapod will definitely help keep you warm. In winter months video, peacoats and boiled wool in general is always in fashion. I’m definitely not complaining, I love a man in a dapper coat. This year we’ve seen a lot of leather and a lot of sweaters but I’m hoping that the lovely peacoats make a strong return. We saw some hints of it in Exo’s Miracles in December, but this trend should definitely resurface.

#eskim-oh-no… That hat. We’ve seen that hat before in various colors. I mean, clearly that hat is extremely popular. Honestly, it’s a bit impractical in my opinion but that didn’t stop Eunhyuk and Donghae, or apparently GD and Top. Hmmm. All I’m sayin’ is that after it falls on the wet ground, putting it back on cannot feel good, right? Right.

#MeAndEu since everyone seems to be filming their MVs in Europe lately and then having fashion inspired by location. This was in London, we had History in Berlin with What am I to you? last week, and earlier we had GDragon in London with Crooked. The styling in these had plenty of leather jackets, worn jeans, and big coats. Donghae’s pea coat was especially appropriate to the location.

Still Talking-

Rachael: So if we ignore the christmas party gone wrong outfit set, the boys look put together, professional and super handsome. What isn’t to love? It fits the setting and the season to a T. I love that they used the bright houndstooth scarves to accessorize without going overboard and that little bit of makeup and styling makes it look like a fashion forward video. I also loved that the one girl (cough) in the video was still dressed to impress. The black tights make her legs look super long and that colored leather bomber is right on trend. Now, SM can always put out a video with crazy, bizarro outfits, but it is nice to see them go for something chic and ready to wear.
Lookin' dapper in my scarf 

Em: Honestly I didn’t pay much attention to what they were wearing for most of the video the first time I saw it, just because it wasn’t designed to be the focus. It blended well and helped set the stage for the rest of the video. It was very casual, and fairly masculine (especially on Donghae’s end). If someone I knew copied most of these outfits I would think they were fairly stylish, but not even that flashy. Very different from some other Super Junior extravaganzas (I seem to recall some very distinctive vegetable costumes).
Masculine and stuff
I am European see, I'm in a cafe
This what you were talkin' about Em?

The man in the window approves. Thank you man in the window.

They have matching scarves in opposite colors!

Oh my goodness! Well happy break/holidays everyone!
Appropriate greetings to you and yours!
Leave us some (Christmas/Hanukkah) love below and we'll return the favor!

See You Soooooon

Ruby and Em <3

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