Monday, January 13, 2014

Makin' it Rain

The first real review of 2014! Well we thought it would be cute to welcome the new year with an old favorite. Early comebacks have been extremely... uh... interesting. And this video was no exception!
Let's take a look-see at
Rain- LA Song

This video was released on January 1st, 2014 and as of January 12th had 846,141 views. There was also another Rain video released for a song called 30Sexy but it wasn't nearly as politically incorrect, so we opted for LA song. On to the velvet covered racist and sexist goodness:

Let's join the party:

Ruby: So I guess the first thing to say is oh man, this video was like playing a game of how many bad ideas can we fit into approximately four minutes. The fashion, while not nearly as offensive as many parts of the video, was definitely not to my taste... It's not that what he was wearing was ugly or unflattering (for the most part) but that it was all so viciously out of place that it just left me confused and with bad taste in my mouth. (I mean there's was a bad headband and velvet suits....)
My game face and my headband
I am unamused by these events
Em: Since the song name is LA Song, maybe..... American clothing? But unlike Troublemaker's rather fashionable take on the slapdash, mismatched stereotype, this seems just kinda bad. I can't say I've ever seen someone where a red velvet suit before...maybe cause I don't live in LA, but still. Still. The fur coat wasn't exactly my favorite thing ever either.
Lookin' fine in my red velvet suit
Wait where is this video set again?
Forget your silly dance battle, it's time for a...

First up we've got the Sherlock Homeless look. Grab you warm woolen scarves and an oversized jacket. This outfit makes for a great go to look. It's super warm but also so easy to wear. And you get to explore the existential side of fashion: what is fashion? what is worn out? what is an elbow patch? what is life?

Another contender is certainly FURocious. White t-shirt, gold chains, fur coat. What else could you need to spend an evening jamming with friends, at an under ground dance rave or grocery shopping? Clearly this is a look appropriate for all occasions.

The last contender in this battle of fashions is Dual Dandy in his velvet suit, with two color options. Olive and Tomato. I mean these suits just scream class and subtlety. What more can I say? It's like a pimpin' christmas in this video. And I love it.

Which outfit do you think won this fashionista face-off?


#ohoh!Objectify_me_sir! The real trends of 2014 remain to be seen but the early votes certainly point to sexy sexy women dressed in virtually no clothing. Now being sexy can certainly be a good thing, but it can also be a bit offensive. Especially when it's a back up dancer that serves no purpose. TVXQ is also guilty of this in their first single of this year, Something.

From TVXQ's Somebody.
#highwaisthighopes  High waisted looks were big last year with videos like I Got a Boy (SNSD) and Darling of All Hearts (SunnyHill) and it seems like they're going to keep it up this year. High waisted looks, pants, shorts skirts, can be super flattering and add some flare to a less exciting outfit.
Girl's Generation - I Got A Boy
SunnyHill - Darling of All Hearts

#layeredlikeanonion with jacket upon jacket upon shirt upon other shirt. This tends to happen in winter when clothing stores refuse to acknowledge the fact that its cold outside, and rather than wearing warmer clothes you just wear more clothes layered on top of each other. LA Song featured backup dancers that had more than enough layers to be considered sporting "the layered look." This also happened in other MVs, such as B1A4's Lonely where everyone looked.

B1A4 - Lonely

la conclusion  (mais oui, c'est en français.)

Ruby: I just feel like these were impractical outfits for a dirt floor dancer face off. The video in general was full of stereotypes and just really mixed messages between clothing and concept. I can see so  many of these outfits working on other settings, but so few of them felt even slightly relevant to this video itself. It's hard when each piece of fashion is sort of okay, but the styling and combination of it all is so off putting its hard to watch. Also if a trend this year is out of place, scantily clad women, I will be frustrated. At least there was no plaid.
Let's do the lindy hop!

I mean she looks hot...
Em: All in all, I wasn't particularly thrilled with this week. I mean, maybe we're being a bit harsh...we have liked mismatched things in the past, and its not all bad to mix things up a bit. Unfortunately, it went too far in the wrong direction I think. Fur coats are fur coats, and we see them all the freaking time...nothing really radical there.
Dance Battle Dress Code is Black tie, right?
We're as confused as you are kid.

Chickens. Everywhere.

The Barber Shop set was kinda cool.

What do you think will be all the rage in kpop fashion this year? Let us know!

See ya round! 
Ruby and Em


  1. I didn't read the rest when i saw these two.

    First: Video is relased on 2nd January.
    Second: It's not Los Angelas LA. It is simple LA. Like the one in the song. It is so obvious that u didn't listen at all.

    So my friend, no need to read the rest if you see stupidist comments like this.

    1. Hey, sorry we disappointed you. Just a few things
      1) The video is listed on my youtube as being released on January 1st. There is a time difference between where I live and South Korea. So yes, the video came out between the 1st and 2nd, but technically both are correct.

      2) This is all subjective. One of us took it as LA the syllable, the other as LA the place. Since this is a fashion review, this seems like a small detail. We tried to confirm either way, but we couldn't find any official source that explained the name of the song and it is listed as having a "cowboy beat".

      Sorry this wasn't what you were looking for today and we'll try and make things clearer in the future.
